Students followed this chart for the hour block they had during Guided Reading sections.  Each post-it note has the name of a group.  The teacher would switch the notes everyday so students would know where to go next.  The highlighted words are to show students which pages they need to finish from their packet.

These are examples of the charts used during Shared Reading time.  The teacher used these charts to model the reading strategies the students would use that day during their Guided Reading time with their own novel.  The teacher would then display the charts to aid students as they reviewed the different strategies.

This chart was used at the beginning of the unit.  The students came up with ideas for working in groups.  Under “Looks like” it says, “Smiles”, “Not playing with other things”, and “Sit in a circle”.  Under “Sounds like”, it says, “Kind words”, “Voice level 2 and 3” and “Helping each other with words”.

Students had a choice when completing the spelling activities.  The teacher kept a chart to monitor who was to complete a spelling activity for each day.